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Home Blog A Milestone Moment: Meet our 10th Cohort

A Milestone Moment: Meet our 10th Cohort

Celebrating our SaaS Accelerator 10 cohorts, 7 exits, 150M+ in follow-on funding, and countless hours in the trenches with our founders helping them every step of the way, and being there after the formal program…

Celebrating our SaaS Accelerator

10 cohorts, 7 exits, 150M+ in follow-on funding, and countless hours in the trenches with our founders helping them every step of the way, and being there after the formal program is over when they need our help.

2023 marks a special milestone for L-SPARK as we kick off the 10th cohort of our SaaS Accelerator. We’re shouting it from the rooftops because, to us, this 10th cohort represents a decade of disruption, impact, and innovation – all the things we’re deeply passionate about here at L-SPARK.

The entrepreneurs behind our 10th cohort are exceptional examples of tenacious founders, with innovative ideas, and an undying passion to build great companies that solve real-world problems. In the era of AI, it’s no surprise that we have some incredible cutting-edge companies using artificial intelligence to disrupt their industries. Beyond just AI, we have companies revolutionizing their sectors through their SaaS solutions. That’s what the L-SPARK SaaS Accelerator is all about! 

Needless to say, we can’t wait for what’s to come and we feel an incredible sense of excitement and energy surrounding this 10th cohort – we know big things are in store.


Say hello to cohort #10



David Peters, CEO + Founder

ConstructionClock is simplifying the time-tracking process for the construction industry, saving businesses time and hassle. ContructuonClock is making it easier for businesses to focus on their crew and their projects at hand. 

ConstructionClock is gaining traction and recognition throughout the country thanks to their innovative solution. Read more about their growth in the Winnipeg Free Press.



Lisa Loud, CEO + Co-Founder

FLUIDEFI is a compliant digital asset portfolio management system that lets home offices and institutions safely diversify into decentralized finance. FLUIDEFI’s patent-pending technology is used by banks, and private equity funds to generate an average of 22% return. FLUIDEFI’s operational risk alerting system helps keep portfolios safe.  

FLUIDEFI was named One of the Top 100 AI Companies in Canada by Mila at the ALL IN AI conference in Montreal, September 2023.

Mutuo Health Solutions

Noah Crompton, Founder + CEO 

Mutuo Health Solutions’ Autoscribe is an AI-powered digital assistant which transcribes clinician-patient dialogues and automatically generates medical notes, so clinicians can focus on what matters most – providing exceptional patient care.

Mutuo Health Solutions was recently awareded the BMO Prize at Next AI’s Venture Day. 



Oleg Koval, Founder + CEO

In the era of an AI revolution, ServiceDeck is transforming field service and property management, integrating AI support/sales chat, FSM software, and a marketplace into a single, cohesive platform. 

ServiceDeck empowers businesses to harness automation through the platform, facilitating enhanced efficiency and seamless operations while helping them leverage advanced AI to optimize services and maintain competitiveness in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.



Yun Yao, Co-Founder + CEO

Soralink offers a plug-and-play, user-friendly AI-IoT solution for real-time predictive maintenance. In addition to preventing unplanned downtime and reducing maintenance costs, Soralink brings visibility and predictability to equipment maintenance and production processes.

Soralink was also part of the second cohort of the L-SPARK x Hub350 Living Lab Accelerator where they partnered with Calabogie Brewing to launch a sensor pilot that aims to revolutionize the predictive maintenance capabilities for the small business.


Spatial DNA

Todd Lewis, Founder + CEO

The Right Data, in The Right System, at The Right Time. Spatial DNA is an integration platform that streamlines work processes by automating information flow across organizations. It simplifies work and boosts productivity with workflows built from decades of experience in manufacturing, local government, and infrastructure.

Hear Todd Lewis speak at the 2022 FME User Conference in British Columbia about their solution and journey.


Rebecca Wormleighton, COO

Dave McCrady, CEO

Zendelity’s Command Center is the solution for frontline teams to ensure adherence to all operating risk management requirements. Command Center automates the communication procedures, enhances visibility and supports a proactive approach to management with a real-time view using NFC and smartphones. Command Center is essential for teams who want to save time, money, and ensure operational compliance and safety.

Zendelity was also recently selected for the second cohort of our L-SPARK x Hub350 Living Lab Accelerator where they implemented their solution with local property management company to deploy Command Center to digitally transform their fire and health and safety compliance. 


Want to be put in touch with any of these founders? Let us know! We’re happy to make an intro. Reach out to Marketing Manager, Natasha Tardioli, at

In the meantime, follow us on social to stay up to date on all exciting news for cohort #10!


📸 Photo by Sarah Badley, iShootEvents
👤Yun Yao, Co-Founder + CEO, Soralink


L-SPARK is the destination for Canada’s startup and tech ecosystem to learn, share, plan, execute, measure, adjust, scale and succeed. L-SPARK startup and corporate acceleration programs give companies exclusive access to leading edge technology and help build the foundation and metrics to raise capital, grow revenues, and reach global markets and partners. To date, L-SPARK alumni network of 100+ startups has raised funding totaling over $150M.

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