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Home Blog Sailing into the unknown: 5 founders share their adventure through entrepreneurship

Sailing into the unknown: 5 founders share their adventure through entrepreneurship

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2021 has been in full force here at L-SPARK, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. While it’s true that every week feels like Global Entrepreneurship Week here, it’s also important…

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2021 has been in full force here at L-SPARK, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

While it’s true that every week feels like Global Entrepreneurship Week here, it’s also important that we take the time to really pause and think about how lucky we are to work with such inspiring and dedicated founders. We see, first hand, just how much hustle goes on behind the scenes of a startup. We’re beyond grateful to get to play a part in that story for so many of our amazing founders. 

So while we could go on and on about how inspiring it is to work with these amazing entrepreneurs (because it’s true) the reality is the best advice and insight you can get on what it takes to be an entrepreneur, is from the mouths (or keyboards) of entrepreneurs themselves.

We held our monthly #SaaSChats this week and it was all about entrepreneurship in honour of #GEW2021. We asked these 5 entrepreneurs to answer a series of 9 questions about their journey through entrepreneurship. 

They share the inside scoop on their advice, lessons learned, and truths / myths about entrepreneurship. It’s an eye opening chat for anyone who wants a peek inside the journey of these brilliant startup founders. 

Say hello to the entrepreneurs behind our #GEW2021 #SaaSChats:

Let’s highlight some of their responses!

(Pro tip: click on the questions to be brought directly over to Twitter to read the full thread of responses on each question!)








L-SPARK is the destination for Canada’s startup and tech ecosystem to learn, share, plan, execute, measure, adjust, scale and succeed. L-SPARK startup and corporate acceleration programs give companies exclusive access to leading edge technology and help build the foundation and metrics to raise capital, grow revenues, and reach global markets and partners. To date, L-SPARK alumni network of 100+ startups has raised funding totaling over $150M.

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