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Home Blog #FollowFriday: 30+ women to follow

#FollowFriday: 30+ women to follow

With International Women’s Week just a few days away, we put a list together of must-follow female leaders. These women are experts, trailblazers, and truth tellers – and a sure source of inspiration and expertise.…

With International Women’s Week just a few days away, we put a list together of must-follow female leaders. These women are experts, trailblazers, and truth tellers – and a sure source of inspiration and expertise. Some you may even recognize from the amazing lineup of speakers for next week’s #IWW2021 events! 

Our list names just a few (okay, more like 35..) women who have broken these boundaries and made great strides in the industry, with many more certain to follow.

We are thrilled to once again be partnering with Invest Ottawa for the kick off to International Women’s Week, so, we thought, what better way to lead up to the launch of #IWW2021 than to spotlight women in tech worth following! 

  1. Mandela SH Dixon (@MandelaSH) – Founder + CEO of Founder Gym
  2. Andrea Winter – Vice President of People, Martello
  3. Ashleigh Kennedy (@Ashleigh_Neuro) – Founder and CEO, Neurovine
  4. Julia Slanina (@JuliaASlanina) – Founder and CEO, Treehouse Medical
  5. Thusha Agampodi – Head of Engineering, Tread
  6. Arlene Dickinson (@ArleneDickinson) – General Partner, District Ventures Capital
  7. Audrey Bond (@AudreyLBond) –  Founder and CEO, Vaultt
  8. Sandra Ng (@sandranng) – Vice President, Tesceleration Investments Inc. and Angel Investor
  9. Heather Ward (@HUBHeather) – President and Co-Founder, Hyperion Global Energy
  10. Debbie Weinstein – Co-Founder and Partner, LaBarge Weinstein LLP, and Angel Investor
  11. Claudette McGowan (@CMMcgowan) – Global Executive Officer, Protect Fusion & Cyber Experience at TD; Inaugural Chair, Canadian Innovation Leaders Against Racism
  12. Sem Ponnambalam – Board Member; Co-Founder and President of xahive, WEF Panelist, G20 YES Panelist, Author, Online Cybersecurity Governance Instructor
  13. Sandra Wheatley Smerdon – SVP Marketing, Threat Intelligence and Influencer Communication, Fortinet
  14. Mari Galloway (@marigalloway) – MSIS CISSP, Cyber Ninja; Customer Success Architect, Cortex by Palo Alto Networks; Associate Professor, University of Maryland
  15. Beth Klehr (@klehrb) – Chief Human Resources Officer, Entrust
  16. Carolyn Raab –  Chief Product Officer, Corsa; Networking and Security Expert
  17. Solange Tuyishime (@MissSolange) – Founder and CEO of Elevate International
  18. Marjolaine Hudon (@RBCMHudon) –  Regional President, Ontario North & East at Royal Bank of Canada
  19. Ellie Ardakani (@EllieArdakani) – PhD, CEO and Co-Founder, Meta Innovation Technologies
  20. Moya Cahill – CEO & Co-founder PanGeo Subsea Inc
  21. Lisa Dolan – Vice President, Supply Chain Strategy, Alom Technologies
  22. Amy MacLeod (@arm65west) – Vice President, Corporate Affairs and External Communications; Seaspan; Ottawa, Ontario and Vancouver, BC; Director of the Board, Queensway Carleton Hospital
  23. Sonya Shorey (@sshorey), Vice President, Strategy, Marketing and Communications, Invest Ottawa, Bayview Yards and Area X.O
  24. Clare Beckton –  CEO + Founder of Own Your Own Success
  25. Janice McDonald (@janicemcd) – CEO + Founder,  The Beacon Agency
  26. Dr. Nasrin Sadeghianpour – Senior AI Scientist, BluWave-ai
  27. Dr. Lindsay Brin – Applied Research Scientist, Element AI
  28. Dr. Sepideh Karimi – Lead Research Scientist at Nanometrics
  29. Dr. Maria Parysz – CEO and Founder,
  30. Rima Al Shikh – Founder, GENBU AI
  31. Dr. Ellie Ardakani – CEO and Cofounder, Meta Innovation Technologies; “Women in AI Canada” Ottawa City Lead
  32. Sunshine Tenasco – Founder of Her Braids + CEO of Pow Wow Pitch & Author of “Nibi’s Water Song”
  33. Dr. Rebecca Robillard – Director of the Clinical Sleep Research Platform, Royal Ottawa Institute for Mental Health Research
  34. Dr. Joanne Bezzubetz –  President + CEO of The Royal on leadership and resilience
  35. Tanya Talaga (@TanyaTalaga) – Founder/President at Makwa Creative Inc, Ojibwe author + truth-teller

Is there someone you’d like to see added to this list? Let us know @LSPARKGlobal! 


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